Our monuments

More than 80 monuments and sites, as well as a large number of objects and painted decorations, are protected under Historic Monuments – whether private or public property.
Discover them and explore the data of the search engine «Collections» set up by the Ministry of Culture.
Test your knowledge with our mobile game during our animations!
Many of them are essential, do not hesitate to observe them from far or closer!

Fort Portalet in Etsaut/ Borce/ Urdos

Built in 1842 by order of Louis-Philippe to guard the border of the Pyrenees and the road of Somport, the fort clings to the cliff for nearly 100 meters of height difference above the gave of Aspe. The site has been classified as a Historical Monument since 2005.
If you want to discover its architecture and history, it will be in adventure mode!
Discover it with our booklet!


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The fomer Sainte-Marie cathedral in Oloron Sainte-Marie

The construction of the cathedral began in 1102, on the return of the crusade of Jerusalem of the Viscount of Béarn Gaston IV the Crusader.
Protected as a Historical Monument since the 19th century, the ancient cathedral is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a cultural asset «Chemins de Compostelle en France» since 1998.
Survey it to better understand it and to update its secrets!

Sainte-Croix church in Oloron Sainte-Marie

This romanesque church was built by Viscount Centullus V the Younger in the late 11th/ early 12th century. The artistic exchanges fostered by the paths of Compostela explain the presence of a rare architectural element on this side of the Pyrenees: a dome of Mozarabic inspiration inspired by that of the Mosque of Córdoba built by El Hakam II.
Travel through time and discover the main curiosity of this exceptional building.

The village of Sarrance

The rich history of Sarrance, its legend, the installation of Premonstratensian monks, the coming of Marguerite de Navarre to work on the "Heptaméron". All these elements explain the architectural richness of the village, the fame of its cloister and church.
Push the door of the Ecomuseum, it will offer you different tools to discover the village, its history and its heritage.

Marrun-Mesplès castle Aren

Built by a wealthy Oloronais merchant who traded in Spain in the 15th century, the seigneurial castle of Aren was enlarged in the 17th century to match the lifestyle of the time.
Today restored after being in ruins, the castle is not to be visited but it is possible to enjoy it from the village square.

The former secular abbey in Arette

The castle bears witness to both the importance of a type of Pyrenean seigneury - the secular abbey and the large presence of Musketeer families of King Louis XIII. Burned down during the Wars of Religion, the house is rebuilt and enlarged according to the codes of 17th century architecture.
Located in the heart of the village in a large fenced park, it is possible to admire its roofs at the Mansart.

The village of Castet en Ossau

Castet is the very example of the castral village. Perched on an icy peak overlooking the houses, the keep is the vestige of the castle built in the 12th century, period of creation of the church Saint-Polycarpe which is right next to it.
Dive back into the time of the lords and discover their living environment by exploring the village.

Hotel des princes in Eaux-Bonnes

The history of the Eaux Bonnes is intimately linked to the Empress Eugénie even if the therapeutic effects of the waters have been known since the 16th century. The complex formed by the hotels and houses around the public park is the perfect illustration of the development programs related to thermal activities.
You will easily dive into the 19th century in the middle of the imperial court surrounding the wife of Napleon III.