Nearly 80 sites and buildings as well as numerous objects are protected under the title of Historical Monuments (link pdf catalogue with contents). Recognition of the quality and history of these buildings by the state dates back, for some, to the 19th century. Most of the Historical Monuments belong to communities but some belong to private owners.
These spaces and objects are listed and can be known thanks to the databases set up by the Ministry of Culture (Mérimée, Palissy, Joconde) under the Collections search engine.
The regulations related to the maintenance and restoration of these immovable and movable property are applied by the State services, more particularly, through the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Nouvelle Aquitaine (DRAC).
The dedicated service regularly carries out the reconditioning of buildings and objects and, on this occasion, can indicate to their owners the need to carry out an intervention. The actions of the owners are accompanied technically and financially by the DRAC, Unité Départementale de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine de Pau, Région Nouvelle Aquitaine and Conseil Départemental des Pyrénées-Atlantiques.