

The staff of three communities work within the framework of the Pays d'art et d'histoire for a complementary approach to the discovery of the heritage of the Pyrenees béarnaises.

The community of municipalities of Haut-Béarn

It favors the mixture of audiences and themes in cultural and heritage, thanks to dedicated services working throughout the territory. The implementation of the label makes it possible to propose a policy of proximity to residents and visitors.

The community of municipalities of the Vallée d'Ossau

It implements a policy of valorization of heritage through specific actions as part of its cultural action such as the establishment of a plan of valorization of the Ossalois heritage has thus been set up while it is proposed each year actions to raise awareness of the discovery of the different heritages of intercommunality among schoolchildren.

The city of Oloron Sainte-Marie

The city which obtained the City of Art and History label in 2006, participates in the awareness of heritage through the service Culture, Heritage and Associative Life. The latter ensures in an innovative way the communication, the management of several municipal museums, the development of an offer of discovery for the young public during the school holidays (operation Sports Culture Vacances) and public actions during the summer but also the preservation and restoration of its Historic Monuments. 

Associations and volunteers

The associative fabric is very important for the territory. These are the associations that maintain the social link in rural areas and support many actions. Thematic workshops allow to develop a programming covering the whole of the Country of art and history through the contribution of these associations.

The contribution of certain resource persons, local researchers specialized in certain topics, makes it possible to propose exchanges of knowledge and experiences beyond the geographical valleys.

Link pdf listing associations with their contact details/websites.

Guides and mediators

The Pays d'art et d'histoire works in partnership and offers training to the guides and mediators of the territory in order to meet the requirements of knowledge and know-how to sensitize the wider public to heritage and architecture.
The complementarity of the profiles of guiding professionals such as tour guides, mountain guides and cultural mediators makes it possible to cover all the heritage but also the territory.
Special sharing times are also open for the ambassadors of the label who participate in the implementation of actions and animation in the Béarnaises Pyrenees.

Tourists offices

L'Office de Tourisme du Haut-Béarn

Allées du Comte de Tréville
64400 Oloron Sainte-Marie

Tél. : + 33 5 59 39 98 00

E-mail :

- Bureau d’information touristique de Bedous

2, place François Sarraillé – 64 490 BEDOUS

Tél. : + 33 5 59 34 57 57

E-mail :

- Bureau d’information touristique d’Arette

45, rue Marcel Loubens – 64 570 ARETTE

Tél. : + 33 5 59 88 95 38

E-mail :

- Bureau d’information touristique de la Pierre Saint-Martin

Maison de la Pierre – 64 570 ARETTE LA PIERRE SAINT-MARTIN

Tél. : + 33 5 59 66 20 09

E-mail :

L'Office de Tourisme de la Vallée d’Ossau Pyrénées

Maison de la Vallée d’Ossau – 64 440 LARUNS

Tél. : + 33 5 59 05 31 41 (Laruns) /

+ 33 5 59 05 34 00 (Artouste)

E-mail :

- Bureau d’information touristique d'Arudy

Place de l’Hôtel de Ville – 64 260 ARUDY

Tél. : + 33 5 59 05 77 11

Email : info(at)

- Bureau d’information touristique d'Artouste

Maison de Fabrèges – 64 440 ARTOUSTE

Tél. : + 33 5 59 05 34 00

Email : artouste(at)

- Bureau d’information touristique des Eaux-Bonnes

Avenue Castellane – 64 440 EAUX BONNES

Tél. : + 33 5 59 05 33 08

Email : eaux-bonnes(at)

- Bureau d’information touristique de Gourette

Place Sarrière – 64 440 GOURETTE

Tél. : + 33 5 59 05 12 17

Email :